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Jotting of social progress…


I love Facebook’s current login photo? Because, yes, even though we’re in the #twentyfirst #century, we don’t see images like this in prominent spaces. Observe the symbolism of this cute couple: the lady is leading the man who is open and willing to follow and support her – womensrights and equality. There is a spring in their step indicated by the height of their bent legs and far swinging arms – happy and content. There posture is bold and erect – confident and fearless. They are coming out of a darker room into a white open space – liberation and freedom. The world has come a long way and still has a way to go… Shift happens #america, WE MOVE ON👏🏾👏🏻👏🏿

 her yellow shoes are cute too 🙊. 

#love #progress #victory #interaciallove #blackandwhite #loveseesnocolor #unity #openmindswilldominate #cutecouple #instagood #college #vegansofig #swirl #nofilter

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